Forums Available for Idea Mapping Discussions
My website ( is now offering 5 discussion forums. Their descriptions follow:
- Idea Mapping (General Chat) - This is a general Idea Mapping Forum for public discussions around any general Idea Mapping topic. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
- Idea Mapping (The Book) - This Forum is for public discussions around Jamie's Idea Mapping Book.
- Idea Mapping (Workshops) - This Forum is for public discussions about the Idea Mapping Workshop. To read comments from actual workshop participants, you may view the Forum for Idea Mapping Workshop Participants. There is also a private Forum for Certified Idea Mapping Facilitators.
- Idea Mapping (Workshop Participants) - This Forum is viewable to the public, but only workshop participants may post. This forum is for you to share your learning, successes, and questions with each other after completing the class. These discussions will be around any topics covered in the Idea Mapping Workshop. Remember you can also share your Idea Maps by adding them to the examples under the Book link.
- Idea Mapping (Certified Facilitators) - This Forum is not viewable to the public and reserved for Idea Mapping Facilitators. This forum is for you to share your learning, successes, and questions with each other after completing the certifiaction course. These discussions will be around any topics you want to discuss or share regarding your certification and future success.
For anyone who has previously taken any Idea Mapping courses, I encourage you to register as a client/user and then log into the Forum for workshop participants. It will be a great way to share successes, learning and questions with each other! Hope you enjoy it!
Jamie Nast