Jamie Nast is the author of "Idea Mapping" published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is available in the Business/Economics section of bookstores. Jamie has trained over 15,000 people world-wide to be more creative, more productive and better learners.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Idea Map #97

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
is a book written by T. Harv Aker. This idea map was created by Debbie Edwards Miller after she attended the 2-day workshop "Idea Mapping: A Learning Workshop" that was held at ACH (Automotive Components Holding, LLC). It summarizes the content of the book. The photo I took of her map is a little dark. The pdf version is available on my website. Go to Client Maps and then scroll down to "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". The maps are listed in alphabetical order. Although a few of the edges are cropped, it is clearer to read. Thanks Debbie!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

de Bono's 6 Thinking Hats - Idea Map #96

One of my clients from a large automotive company in southeastern Michigan gave me these idea maps she created around de Bono's Six Thinking Hats.

The top map is a description of the Six Thinking Hats and what each hat represents in terms of its focus as well as the benefits to using this method. The second map (featured in today's Mindjet Newsletter) was used to run a meeting. This map was used to analyze a plan and focus the team on one hat at a time -- for example, Black Hat - "let's all think of the negatives with this plan", Yellow Hat - "let's all think of the positives associated with this plan".

For a larger view of this map see the pdf versions by clicking here then scrolling alphabetically to the map titles “DeBono's Six Thinking Hats” and “Using DeBono's Six Thinking Hats for a Meeting Agenda.”

Announcement: Two new Idea Mapping Workshops have been added to Jamie’s 2008 schedule. See the Course Schedule for upcoming Vancouver, B.C. and UK classses. More info to come in later postings.

To subscribe to this blog, click on the orange and white icon to the right of where you see http://ideamapping.blogspot.com/ in the toolbar above.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Team Idea Mapping Method - Idea Map #95

In my previous posting Philippe Boukobza shared an idea map summarizing the contents of my Idea Mapping book. Today's map is also from Philippe and details chapter 9 of my book which covers the "Team Idea Mapping Method". I have used this process successfully with many clients. It helps to gather a multitude of ideas from every participant, keeps a dominant person from taking over the direction of the meeting, fosters shared understanding, give the group a "picture" of their ideas, is more effective than standard brain storming, and no idea gets left behind.

To subscribe to this blog, click on the orange and white icon to the right of where you see http://ideamapping.blogspot.com/ above.

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Idea Mapping Book Summary - Idea Map #94

Philippe Boukobza from Spain previously contributed his book summary of Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His blogs are in English, French, and Spanish. His contribution today is a map he created of my book, Idea Mapping! This idea map was created using Inspiration 8. Thanks Philippe.

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Monday, March 10, 2008

What is the Benefit of Colored Branches? Idea Map #92 and Hint #20

On Wednesday, March 5, 2008 I introduced you to Jay Dugger -- long-time mind mapper. The purpose of this posting is two-fold. First, the full version jpg of Jay's map titled "Mapping" is now available above and in pdf format at my website under "Additional Maps". If you click on any column it will sort alphabetically by author or title of the map. Secondly, I promised to address the issue of line color. That will be today's Hint #20.

Keep in mind these are not rules that need to be followed, just helpful hint that can be applied depending on your purpose.
  1. The branches surrounding the central image are sometimes thicker to show that they are a main thought.
  2. Let's say you have one branch that is red along with all sub branches that attach to it in any way. The ideas are now connected in two ways -- both physically and visually.
  3. If each main branch (and associated sub branches) is a different it makes the branches stand out from each other.
These three hints all blend together for one purpose -- improved memory and interest. Take a look at any map that uses all black branches and words. They are rather boring, but again it's the purpose of the map that will drive these decisions.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Map Titled "Mapping" - Idea Map #91

A while back Jay Dugger was asking about the significance of the various line colors in some of the maps on this blog. I'll address the theory and benefits to this in the next posting. Meantime, Jay has contributed an idea map he calls, "Mapping." I'll let Jay explain this map (created using FreeMind) in his own words:

"I use "Mapping" to collect my ideas about mind mapping techniques. I use mind maps to manage projects, tasks, and actions. This works well, but I was spending a great deal of time replicating similar and recurring events and tasks. So I wrote a boilerplate to give my map a recurring visual structure for the branches that described similar events and tasks. "Mapping" began as a map that stored boilerplate branches. I accumulated other conventions (symbols, colors, clouds, typography) in my maps over time. I recorded what they signified on "Mapping." Eventually I compared my mind map use with that of other people. When I wanted to adopt or test a method or an idea, I recorded it in "Mapping. The use of line thickness and color from "It's Not About the Coffee" (the February 9, 2008 posting in this blog) "Mapping" so I have a place to remind myself to test using line color and thickness, and so I have a place to record its results. I will probably try replacing the colored clouds I use to show past, present, and future with line colors. I expect this will reduce a map's visual clutter by using fewer pixels to signify the same ideas."

The above map has the other branches "shrunk". Jay's original map can be found on Flickr, and current versions on Mappio and FreeMindShare. If I can get a pdf of the entire map from Jay, I'll put it on my website so that you can see the entire map.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

CIS Staff Meeting - Idea Map #90 & Hint #19

Matt McKibben shares one of his hand-drawn idea maps this time around. Matt is the Program Services Director for an organization in Tallahassee, FL called Communities in Schools of Florida (CISFL) and was featured in the February 25 and March 1, 2008 postings.

This map is from one of his CIS staff meetings. Notice how different this map is from his previous maps. I think it is fascinating to see both styles from people. Also notice how he highlights who is responsible for the various team tasks. I don't have a jpeg file to load on this blog, so I need to send you to my website to see the pdf version of this map. If you click on any column within "Client Maps" it will sort alphabetically and you can then search by author (Matt McKibbin) or title (CIS Staff Meeting) of the map. While you are there you can see nearly 150 other idea maps!

Hint: When learning to create "real-time" idea maps, one of the safest and easiest applications is to create a map of a meeting. Generally the information comes at you slow enough, and usually you are familiar with most of the content. Give it a try!

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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Idea Map #89 - TQS

On Monday of this week I introduced you to Matt McKibben who is the Program Services Director for an organization in Tallahassee, FL called Communities in Schools of Florida (CISFL). This is Matt's second idea map around TQS. This map is an entire day's worth of lecturing on a new system being implemented over the CIS network. TQS will utilize research-based practices to ensure that the best possible services are being provided to students and families served through CIS.

You can see a clearer pdf version of this map on my website under "Client Maps". If you click on any column it will sort alphabetically and you can then search by author or title (TQS) of the map.

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