Jamie Nast is the author of "Idea Mapping" published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is available in the Business/Economics section of bookstores. Jamie has trained over 15,000 people world-wide to be more creative, more productive and better learners.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Idea Map #24 - Drawing and Designing with Confidence Series: Part One

Kaizad Irani is the Program Director for Horticulture and Landscape Design at Parkland College in Champaign, Illinois. He recently attended a 2-week workshop in Kansas City called Drawing and Designing with Confidence taught by Mike Lin. Mike asked Kaizad to teach an Idea Mapping segment as a new tool to add to the participants "design toolbox."

After Kaizad's 45-minute PowerPoint based presentation, he facilitated a breakout session with about 4 members per team and asked them to create a map of their learning experiences of the 2-week workshop. The resulting maps were great and all the participants had very positive response.

This series will feature about 7 idea maps from that breakout session. Keep in mind that these participants all had some sort of a graphics/design background, so don't be intimidated!

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